Thank you for wanting to apply to become a Mission 22 Ambassador! Thank you for volunteering to help with such a worthwhile cause! We enlist volunteers like you, corporations and community leaders to help. Through these connections we have begun to make others aware that the Veteran struggles with PTS & TBI are real. Addiction, depression, and suicidal behavior stem from these issues. We are teaching Veterans, families and communities to reach out, to ask for help, and to be there for one another. Our Veterans were there for us, and now we need to be there for them! You don’t have to know what to say, because there are no magic words. You just have to be there for them, and listen if they want to talk. Tell them you care, thank them for their sacrifice and their service, and know that their sacrifice was huge. They gave up their families, their jobs, and the comfort of their homes to defend our freedoms. Now it is up to us to support them on their journey to healing.
Last but certainly not least, we are so very grateful to each and every one of you for being willing to sacrifice your time to support such a worthwhile cause. We could not do what we do without your support, and we want you to know that we appreciate you very much! If you need information, support or materials, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I am here to support your efforts in every way possible.
Thomas Shevlin
Social Impact Strategy Director